Monday, April 13, 2015

a freshman's guide to surviving your first year of high school.

It's April now, which means the school year is almost over--
Freshmen will soon be sophomores, and 8th graders will soon be freshmen. 
So now I've survived the year that my younger self had been dreading.
Tbh, it was fun as hell. This year has gone by so fast and it was so great for me.
Here's how I made it through, I guess:
  • REALLLYY join something. I know everyone says to join a club or a team or whatever, but they're all completely right. For me, my "something" was band. The week before school started, we all suffered through band camp. It was so hard oh my god. But when you finish that long week, you already know over 50 kids and your way around the school. The first day of school was easy for me bc I had already been through it. But if you aren't interested, just figure something out during the year. Remember, you're a freshman, you have an excuse to suck. I ended up joining the percussion ensemble this year. I am so bad at it and it was amazing. Just join something you're somewhat interested in and I promise you'll have a great time.
  • Talk to upperclassmen, but don't bother them too much. You probably know some younger kids, or even kids your age, that really wanna hang out with you all the time but you're not so into that.  Definitely make friends with them though. They can give some great advice and lead you into maturing earlier. Just don't go trying to eat lunch with them. Older kids can be really really nice and they can really really like you, but most of them won't want to hang out all the time. Keep that in mind.
  • Don't lose track of your school work(!!!!) You don't want small mistakes that you make freshman year impact whether a college accepts you or not. For me, freshman year was so easy academically. My school really gives freshmen a soft cushion to land on. But if you don't turn in your work, you won't get a good grade. Honestly just do your homework and study for your tests and you'll do well. 
  • Don't think you're all grown up. You might think that, since older kids are doing it, it's okay to smoke and drink alcohol and have sex. That stuff really can wait. Starting with that this early can really fuck you up and give you a bad reputation if people find out. Sidenote: there's nothing wrong with fooling around (sexually) with someone you trust/ are in a strong relationship with. I would be a hypocrite if I said not to do anything. Just don't let a penis into a vagina. It's that simple. Being fingered, it feels good. Getting a handjob, it feels good. For me at least, it's all just fun. There's little to no risk of diseases or pregnancy if you're only being touched with hands. Just keep the PP out of the body k. Also don't tell people if you're fooling around, because people can take it wrong and spread rumors. 
  • GAY IS OKAY. You should try to learn to accept yourself during these four years. Don't be ashamed of who you are. That's just kind of life advice, but it can really help you to be happy. 
  • Don't think that being negative is cool. Try to be as happy and optimistic as possible. It'll make this year so much easier.
  • Don't worry about how you look. No one actually cares. In middle school, people seemed to care a lot more than people do in high school. If you like to dress up, dress up. If you don't like it, then don't. It's all okay. 
  • Don't worry if some people don't like you (!!!) It really will not affect you in the long run. Yes, it hurts, I've been there. But really it's a huge waste of time trying to get people to like you. Just stick around people you feel comfortable with and it'll be okay. 

IN SUMMARY: If you're nice, mature, and hard-working, you will be just fine. Have fun kiddos. 


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